Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Colorful Summer


Even though PWH Music Awards (娱协奖) will be held in November, the crews are already working hard to get ready for this biggest Chinese music awards show. a LOFT of things is one of the proud sponsors of this most anticipated event. Way to go, Guang Liang!

虽然娱协奖颁奖典礼定于今年11月举行,娱协的幕后工作人员和宣传大使光良,已经紧锣密鼓筹备着这项马来西亚最受关注的颁奖盛会了。a LOFT of things是娱协奖的赞助商之一。能为帅气的光良提供服装造型,是我们的莫大荣幸哦。