Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fairy from the Forest (Japan Style 森林系)

You are a fairy from the forest, disguise as human, so natural, so innocent, and so sweet.

The Japanese call it "Forest Style". While this style may create a wider silhouette and doesn't elongate your body frame, you don't necessary look fat in it. In fact, you may even look smaller and willowy in Forest Style. The baggy style hides all the imperfections, i.e. big tummy, big butt, big thighs, big arms. And most of all, you look relaxed, down to earth, and  refreshing, like a breath of fresh air! No wonder Japanese ladies favor this style.

Tips to create Forest Style:
1. Earth tone color.
2. Baggy and light material. (It is utterly important that the material be light, to create the willowy movement)
3. Layering. (Japanese style is all about layering!)

你是森林里的精灵, 轻盈,甜美,纯真。

日本将这种风格称为森林系。森林系的主要特点,就是宽松又轻盈的衣 服。虽然森林系的廓形不会令你看起来更高挑,但女生却也不必因此看起来矮矮胖胖哦。事实上,只要搭配恰当,女生看起来,会更纤弱。而且宽松的衣服,可以遮 掉肚腩、屁股、大腿与手臂的赘肉。这就是为何日本女生看起来总是那么小巧玲珑而充满气质的原因了。

1. 大地色系,或朴素清新的颜色。
2. 宽松的剪裁,轻盈的材质。(材质的选择很重要。只有轻盈的材质,才会有飘逸纤弱的效果)
3. 多层次搭配。(要学日本人的穿衣哲学,就要会玩多层次穿搭)

Prelude: Prints in Menswear

Haven't updated our menswear for a long time. Anyway, there u go. One thing for sure, you'll be seeing more and more PRINTS in menswear in near future!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Party Time

Are you ready for the year end parties? We might just have the right dress for you!

This dress can give you multiple looks. You can turn it into a halter dress, or toga dress, or covering your shoulder. Isn't it clever?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Amber Chia Academy Graduation Shooting

Amber Chia Academy Graduation Shooting
Styling: Swing Chan
All outfits sponsored by a LOFT of things